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Here are their pictures. Born on January 30, 2002 they are Joshua Clark Oliver (born 12:30, 4 lbs, 10 oz,) Lauren Mary Oliver (12:31, 4 lbs, 7 oz,) and Chloe Elizabeth Oliver (12:32, 4 lbs, 15 oz.)

Chloe is sleeping. That's Aunt Mary Ellen Clark's hand in the picture, she's just one of the great supports we've had.

Chloe has been needing  some extra oxygen. She was on 15% above room air and they are weaning her down.

Josh resting in his "hut" He's been using a little tiny bit of extra oxygen off and on, but seems to be getting better on room air.

Josh in all his glory.

Lauren was the smallest of the 3. She's breathing room air andeven had a binky in when her daddy left to come home.

Lauren's hat makes her quite the cute little "peanut" but I think they are all beautiful.

I get to hold Chloe! What a thrill.

Uncle Joe, Aunt Joyce and Amy stopped in to see everyone and got a picture with Josh.

Pap Clark gets his picture with Josh too.

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